Prowling Like A Panther

Steel Panther’s “On The Prowl” album review


Photo from Spotify

Mike Singer, Music Manager

Steel Panther released their sixth studio record titled “On The Prowl” on Feb. 23.

I understand that Steel Panther’s shtick is that they love three things: metal, girls and adultery. Those things shows up in their writing so if you’re not sure what I mean, you’ll understand by their song titles and lyrics.

The first song off the record, “Never Too Late (To Get Some Pussy Tonight)” is a very catchy song with an extremely catchy chords.

On top of the catchy chorus, which I shall not repeat for the sake of this article being published, has a great driving beat from drummer Stix Zadinia which is met by a metal riff from guitarist Satchel.

This song was actually one of the songs that the band played when they came to Toads Place this past December. If you would like (and I highly suggest it) click here to read that article.

Songs two and three, “Friends with Benefits,” and “On Your Instagram,” are hard rock/metal infused songs but with a modern twist.

“Friends with Benefits” is about what friends with benefits are all about… for all the young ones reading, go online and look up what it means. I won’t explain what it means.

“On Your Instagram,” is genuinely a catchy song. Lead singer, Michael Starr really shows off his vocal range as the song starts off slow and throughout the song it’s more laid back rather than in your face.

The song, written about a man that was catfished by a woman on Instagram that looks nothing like she does in real life is a creative song that maybe some fans can relate to and, if you take away the comical side of the situation, is a pretty good song musically.

The best song off the record is song number five, “1987.” With shoutouts to the Guns N’ Roses record “Appetite For Destruction,” Ozzy Osbourne and the song “Still Of The Night” by Whitesnake, this song is my favorite song off the record.

“1987” is about what it was like living during 1987. The three writers of the song, Satchel, Starr and Zadinia take a trip down memory lane about dressing in leather, listening to Judas Priest and being young while playing in bands.

I really do enjoy this song and would love to see it incorporated into their setlist on their upcoming tour to support this record.

Another favorite song, “Teleporter,” is a Steel Panther metal infused song. It starts out with a loud and fast Satchel guitar riff which is followed by bassist Spyder and Zadinia following the lead.

I really love Satchel’s riff on this song. It reminds me of an ‘80’s metal song that could have appeared on a Judas Priest record or any other of the metal gods from that era.

Satchel’s solo in the middle of the song is more on the melodic side rather than the gunslinger, playing as fast as possible side, which I appreciate. If a guitarist is able to add variety to their solos than playing the same boring notes, then it makes the song better.

The final two songs, “One Pump Chump,” and “Ain’t Dead Left,” are the two songs that help strengthen what would be the “B-side” of the record.

“One Pump Chump” is a very quick song (ironically as short as the theme of the title) and only clocks in just north of two minutes and is a goofy, comedic-metal rock song.

“Ain’t Dead Left” is, when I interperated it, is written about a rock star that is getting older and is not in the shape that he was once in.

The song places fans inside the life of a rocker that is a lot poorer than he intended, has girls around him that only want his money and is still doing drugs like it’s the ‘80’s.

While it’s a clever angle to sing a song, Starr really as a great voice for this song. It’s a little raspy but also it’s soft at the same time and is accompanied perfectly by Satchel on an acoustic guitar throughout the record.

I personally enjoyed seeing the quieter, softer side of Steel Panther and I think they should explore this side more often.

As funny as they are, Steel Panther really knows how to make the most of their music and give the fans a good time while listening to their records which then makes their fans want to see them in concert. It’s a good equation if you ask me.


For the first time this year, here is the Singer’s Thoughts:

  1. Steel Panther has shown us that being in a metal band doesn’t always have to be series, you can have a lot of fun
  2. Their shtick is shown throughout their lyrics and makes fan come see them on tour and their fan base is loyal and ready to rock at every show which is respectable
  3. After they explored a more softer side in “Ain’t Dead Left,” I really want to see more of that and I hope we get more of that moving forward


Overall Grade: 7/10